Bible Resources

Sola Scriptura! No, we didn’t just cast a Harry Potter spell on you, or you on someone else by reading that. Simply translated, sola sciptura means “by scripture alone”. Then what does “by scripture alone” mean? This means that we depend on scripture as the primary means to know God and as the main authority to determine what is and isn’t of God.

How can we truly know God? By His word! How can we understand His word? By continual study and relying on resources by great theologians and Bible scholars. What Bible resources should we use? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Bible Translations & Recommendations

Have you ever wondered why there are so many translations of the Bible? Yeah, you aren’t the only one. For your sake, we aren’t going to try to give you a half-baked explanation. Instead, here are a few resources from people much smarter than us.

What would we recommend?

Keeping to the original meaning (context) means we recommend using a more Word-for-Word translation. Our current translation of choice is the ESV from Crossway. They have great study Bibles, which we also suggest everyone to have so you can get a deeper knowledge of scripture, and resources to help in your Biblical growth. The NASB, NKJV, and CSB versions are also good choices for their translations and their study Bibles.

Already have a good, physical Bible you love? Great! Have it with you all the time? No!? No worries, there are ways you can always have scripture with you thanks to the pocket-sized supercomputers most everyone has.

Online Bibles

YouVersion Bible

Site | Apple App | Google App

ESV Bible

Site | Apple App | Google App

Blue Letter Bible

Site | Apple App | Google App

Bible Gateway

Site | Apple App | Google App

Audio Bibles

Dwell Audio Bible

Site | Apple App | Google App

Daily Audio Bible

Site | Apple App | Google App


Site | Apple App

Bible Commentaries

Have you ever used a Bible commentary to help you get deeper into scripture? Wait, do you know what a commentary is? No? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Once you know what a commentary is, though, you’ll wonder how you ever studied scripture without them.

A Bible commentary is basically the summary and explanation of scripture by people who have spent years understanding scripture. When we study scripture, we want to get the context of what God is delivering through the writer. Studying scripture from the lens of its context helps us avoid using scripture out of context and making it mean what it doesn’t.

This list of commentary resources are only a few of the trusted resources available and not an exhaustive list. If you are just getting started using commentaries, these will definitely be helpful to you.

Christ Centered Expositions by Multiple Authors

Amazon | |

Be Series by Warren Wiersbe

Amazon |

The Bible Exposition Commentary by Warren Wiersbe

Amazon |

An Expositional Commentary (multiple books) by R.C. Sproul

Amazon | | Ligonier

Top Commentaries on Every Book of the Bible from Ligonier Ministries